Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gearing up for the challenge!

It's currently December 30th, 2010 and in two days my Challenge will begin.  I've begun my preparations by pulling out  scrap yarn and getting new needles, since I'm sure they're going to see a lot of use!  I've also recently taught myself to knit a baby beanie.  This is quite important since it'd be hard to do a challenge about knitting beanies, when one doesn't know how to do them!  I'm still new at beanies, and also at crochet (having only taught myself to crochet back in October) so I won't be too adventurous, but I will do my best!

I'm hoping people will join me for this challenge, maybe not for the whole year, since it is quite the commitment, but even for a month!  One month of one baby beanie a week, will give 4 infants comfort and warmth.  This challenge is so easy, and since it uses scrap yarn and each piece is a fast work-up, it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to helping another person.

I'm pretty excited about this challenge, it gives me a focus, and I know at the end I'm going to feel a great sense of accomplishment. 2011, here I come!

For more information about the Warm Up America Project, visit this website:

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